A microanalysis of cruise passengers’ satisfaction and expenditures
研究代表者:Ugur Aytun Ozturk(創価大学 国際教養学部)
共同研究者:安武 妙子(創価大学 経済学部)
共同研究者:宮國 薫子(琉球大学 観光産業科学部)
【平成30年度 共同利用・共同研究実績報告】
The Governor of Okinawa stated on March 30, 2018 that the prefectural government has a formal plan in place to promote cruising. In order to increase the contribution made by these visitors to the Okinawan economy, it is important to understand the factors that may increase the likelihood of these tourists to spend more during their visits. The purpose of this research project is to investigate the relationship between expenditures and self-declared satisfaction for the cruise visitors to Okinawa. The study uses satisfaction dimensions as independent variables to identify how they may have influenced expenditures. We also seek to clarify how the impact of group size and time spent on land may influence expenditures. A survey instrument was designed and tested in Naha in January targeting the cruise passengers visiting Naha via Quantum of the Seas of Royal Caribbean. The survey, which consists of 41 questions (62 items), inquires about satisfaction with visitors’ experience in Japan, their expenditure behavior and demographical variables. Between February and December of 2018, we surveyed the passengers visiting Naha on six different cruise ships in addition to the passengers visiting Ishigaki on a separate cruise liner. The passengers arriving on the selected ships were approached by the interviewers after the passengers completed their visit to Okinawa and before they boarded the ship. Permission to approach the passengers were obtained from the port authorities prior to the surveys in addition to the IRB at the Soka University. The interviewers who assisted with the surveys were Chinese and English speakers. The survey was made available in three languages, Chinese, English and Korean. The passengers were asked to use tablet computers to fill out the questionnaires, although paper questionnaires were made available to those who are unwilling to use the tablets. Google Forms was used to collect the responses. In the questionnaire, respondents were asked to indicate their satisfaction regarding 21 different attributes during their visit in addition to their overall satisfaction with the destination. The hypotheses tested are as follows:
• Hypothesis 1: Satisfaction with the destination positively impacts expenditures.
• Hypothesis 2: Satisfaction with different destination attributes impact expenditures differently.
• Hypothesis 3: Group size has a positive but nonlinear effect on expenditures.
• Hypothesis 4: Time spent on land has a positive and nonlinear effect on expenditures.
Initial analysis shows that the correlation between expenditures and the variables of interest is not significant. Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) models developed were used to test the first and second hypotheses. When testing the hypotheses, we controlled for socio-demographic factors such as age, marital status, education, and nationality. The OLS models support that neither overall satisfaction nor the satisfaction with different attributes are significant in their impact on expenditures.
Although testing of hypotheses 3 and 4 are not completed, OLS models used allows us to shed some light to those relationships. OLS model developed shows that although the group size by itself is not significant, the amount spent is dependent on whether the passenger is traveling with a travel group or not. The expenditures reported are significantly higher for those traveling with family compared with those who are traveling with a group or alone.
Although passengers’ self-reported time spent on land is not correlated with expenditures, the total number of hours of port-call is correlated strongly with expenditures. The OLS model shows for each additional hour the ships are moored, the expenditures per person increases approximately by 5000 yen. For a ship that accommodates 4000 passengers, an additional hour spent on the islands potentially can increase expenditures by 20,000,000 yen. We also note that passengers visiting from China and those passengers who indicate an interest to revisit Okinawa are likely to spend more than others.
2018年3月30日,沖縄県庁がクルーズ戦略を策定したことを公表した。クルーズ客による沖縄経済への寄与を促進する為,クルーズ客が寄港地で消費する要因について明らかにすることは重要だ。この研究の目的は,沖縄を訪れるクルーズ客の消費支出と自己申告された満足度の関係を検証することである。本研究では満足度を独立変数とし,その消費支出への影響を明らかにする。また,同行者数と寄港地での滞在時間の長さは消費支出にプラスの影響を与えることを立証する。まずは2018年1月,那覇港に寄港するクオンタムオブザシーズの乗客を対象にパイロット調査を行った。調査は41個の質問(62個のアイテム)で構成されており,クルーズ客の日本における満足度や消費行動を人口統計学的属性と併せて回答してもらう。2018年の2月から12月にかけては,6種類の異なる客船で那覇を訪れたクルーズ客に加えて,石垣に寄港した乗客も対象した。沖縄観光を終えて客船に乗込む観光客に対し調査員が声をかけ,アンケートへの回答を仰いだ。調査員に関しては,対象港湾近隣に在住で,英語または中国語での聞取り調査が可能な人員を募集した。アンケートは中国語・英語・韓国語に対応しており,タブレットまたは紙媒体の片方をクルーズ客が選んで回答してもらう。なお,回答結果はGoogle Formsに集計する。クルーズ客への調査に関しては,各港湾管理当局と創価大学のIRBから事前に許可を取得してある。アンケートの中で,回答者は目的地に対する全体的な満足度に加えて,訪問中に21の異なる属性に関する満足度を示すよう求められました。検証した仮説は次のとおりです。
- 仮説1. 寄港地での満足度は消費支出にプラスの影響を与える。
- 仮説2. 寄港地での各種属性ごとの満足度はそれぞれ消費支出に異なる影響を与える。
- 仮説3. グループサイズ(同行者数)の消費支出への影響はプラスだが非線形である。
- 仮説4. 寄港地での滞在時間の長さは消費支出にプラスかつ非線形の影響を与える。