

島嶼研究の未来へ向けて:架橋する国際若手研究2022(TFIS 2022)

Toward the Future of Island Studies: Networking International Young Scholars 2022


報告者の募集 / Call for Proposals for TFIS 2022

(日本語 / English








 1. 防災:「人・技術・自然」を効果的に活用する自然災害の防災・減災研究
 2. コミュニティー:コミュニティーにおける記憶の継承の研究
 3. 軍事と環境:島嶼地域における軍事と環境の相互関係についての研究
 4. 歴史清算:東アジアにおける沖縄戦の再検証
 5. 保健:アイランドヘルスに関する研究








2022年1月23日(日)日本時間 午前10:00~
■ 本大会は、Zoom(Webinar)を用いてオンラインで開催します。
■ 参加費は不要です。
■ 基調講演として、ウェンディ・マツムラ氏(カリフォルニア大学サンディエゴ校・准教授 博士・歴史学)にご講演いただく予定です。




■ 人文学、社会科学、自然科学の領域で、島嶼地域をフィールドに研究を行っている若手を対象とします。なお、ここでの「若手」は、年齢を限定するものではありません。

■ アカデミックな研究者のみならず、様々な現場で活躍している若手(アーティスト、ジャーナリスト、ライター、編集者など)の報告(活動内容の紹介など)も歓迎します。

■ 大学専任教員の方につきましては、研究報告の応募対象外とさせて頂きます。企画趣旨をご理解の上、あしからずご了承下さい。

■ 報告の可否については、大会開催趣旨に則り、お送りいただいた要旨を実行委員会にて審査し、決定致します。なお、審議内容など審査の詳細については、一切お答えしかねます。あらかじめご了承ください。




■ 応募締め切り:2021年12月5日(日)17:00(日本時間)




■ 報告言語は、英語か日本語を選択して下さい。
 ■ 英語報告希望の場合:英文要旨 250 words以内
 ■ 日本語報告希望の場合:日本語要旨 800字以内+英文要旨 250 words以内



■ 古波藏契・土井智義: riis.wakatewebinar@gmail.com



About TFIS 2022


   The Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability (RIIS) at University of the Ryukyus will hold an interdisciplinary conference planned for the networking of young researchers conducting the latest research on the island issues.

   Since our establishment in 2009, the Institute has developed a diverse range of research themes by promoting international and interdisciplinary research regarding Okinawa and other regions in close relationships with Okinawa. In the process, we have gained an understanding that the issues shared between Okinawa and other island regions derive from aspects of islandness. Such an understanding has enabled us to encompass research themes to include islands both domestic and abroad that share Okinawa’s and the regions’ challenges.

   The regional science for small islands we are developing brings together normative, empirical, and practical scientific approaches, while considering the past, present and future of islands. It is our hope that result of our research will aid in the development of self-determination and sustainability of islands.

   RIIS is currently conducting a multidisciplinary project titled “Creating an International Hub for Multidisciplinary Research on Islands,” funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan. The project is composed of five crossdisciplinarity research clusters:


■ Disaster prevention: Research on technologies, people, and nature for the prevention and reduction of natural disasters
■ Community: Research on memories in communities
■ Military and the environment: Research on the Interrelationship between Military and Environment in Island Regions
■ Overcoming the past: Reexamination of the Battle of Okinawa within the history of East Asia
■ Healthcare: Research related to the island health


   The conference invites presentations on and related to the above projects by young researchers. In addition to the usual academic presentations, we will invite participants to use the conference as an opportunity to present the progress of their doctoral dissertation or to receive feedback on manuscripts in progress. We also expect the participation of non-academic experts working in various fields outside of academia. We encourage participants to make use of this conference as a place to widely promote your daily achievements and activities, and to brush up your own works through interaction with young people in various fields.



Conference Date and Keynote Speaker



Sunday, January 23, 2022 at 10:00 am (JST)

■ The conference will be held using Zoom.

■ No registration fees


Keynote Speaker

Dr. Wendy Matsumura, Assistant Professor of Japanese History at the University of California, San Diego.
■ Language: Japanese (No English translation)



Abstract Submission


Application Requirements
■ A young scholar or group conducting research in the humanities, social sciences, or natural sciences in or related to island regions. For the purposes of this conference, a “young person” is defined as “a person who considers themselves to be a young person”.
■ Young people who are active in various non-academic fields (e.g., artists, journalists, editors, practitioners).
■ Full-time university faculty members are not eligible to apply.
■ The Organization Committee will review the submitted abstracts in accordance with the purpose of the conference, and make a decision on whether or not to accept them.
■ Please note that we will not respond to any of the deliberations regarding the review.



■ Please submit your abstract in the following format.

■ Deadline: Sunday, December 5, 2021 at 17:00 pm (JST)
■ Submit your abstract on Submission form


Abstract Format
■ Participants may choose either English or Japanese as the language of presentation.
■ Length: (1) If you wish to present in English, your abstract should not exceed 250 words in English; (2) If you wish to present in Japanese, please submit a Japanese version of your abstract (less than 800 characters) and an English translation of your abstract (max. 250 words).


Contact us

■ Email address of organization committee of TFIS 2022: riis.wakatewebinar@gmail.com