




2019年度より、3年間の計画で島嶼地域科学研究所では、文部科学省特別経費プロジェクト「島嶼地域科学の分野横断型研究展開による国際的共同拠点形成」に取り組んでおります。本プロジェクトでは、これまでの取組で体系化した自律型島嶼社会の創生に向けた「島嶼地域科学」及び国 内外の島嶼地域研究機関との連携実績を基盤とし、「レジリエンス」と「バイタリティ」に着目した共同研究を推進し「島嶼地域科学」の国際的共同研究拠点形成を目指します。これらの目標達成のため、本プロジェクトでは当研究所を始め、琉球大学人文社会学部、国際地域創造学部、医学部、島嶼防災研究センター、熱帯生物圏研究センターの教員で構成される5つの課題別ユニット—「防災」(「人・技術・自然」を効果的に活用する自然災害の防災・減災研究)、「コミュニティー」(コミュニティーにおける記憶の継承の研究)、「軍事基地と環境」(グアムに焦点を当てた軍事基地による環境問題の研究)、「歴史清算」(東アジアにおける沖縄戦の再検証)、「保健」(保険医療人材マネージメントにおける医療システム構築の研究)—による研究体制で、多分野融合型学術分野としての「島嶼地域科学」の構築を国際的に継続していきます。


Multidisciplinary Project on Vitality and Resilience in Small Islands

The Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability has begun a three-year multidisciplinary project titled “Creating an International Hub for Multidisciplinary Research on Islands,” funded by the Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology-Japan. This project is built on past projects that aimed to develop the foundations of what we call “regional science for small islands,” as well as on the network of island studies institutions and research centers in Japan and abroad. The objective of this project is to promote and create an interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary network with a focus on vitalities and resiliencies in island communities while fostering research across disciplines and national and geographic borders.


In order to achieve this objective, faculty members from humanities and social sciences, global and regional studies, medicine, the Disaster Prevention Research Center for Island Regions, and the Tropical Biosphere Research Center at the University of the Ryukyus have joined the project to compose five crossdisciplinarity research clusters:


Disaster prevention: Research on technologies, people, and nature for the prevention and reduction of natural disasters

Community: Research on memories in communities

Military bases and the environment: Environmental issues caused by military bases in Guam

Overcoming the past: Reexamination of the Battle of Okinawa within the history of East Asia

Healthcare: Structuring medical systems for the management of human resources and healthcare


Each cluster is working on thematic research projects under the thematic umbrella of vitality and resiliency in small islands, with a goal of contextualizing regional science for small islands.


プロジェクト ポスドク研究員(PD)の紹介


2021年度研究員 2021AY Project Postdoctoral Fellow

土井 智義 Tomoyoshi Doi, Ph.D




Having earned his Ph.D. in Literature with an emphasis on contemporary Okinawan history at Osaka University, Doi continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at the University of Tokyo. He has been conducting historical research on the process of establishing a system for controlling aliens (Non-Ryukyuan) under the U.S. rule (1945-1972). Doi’s current work investigates issues of citizenship under the U.S. rule, as well as the relationship between the activities of Non-Ryukyuans with Japanese nationality and their social consciousness. Doi enjoys playing the Okinawan sanshin.

2021年度研究員 2021AY Project Postdoctoral Fellow

古波藏 契 Kei Kohagura, Ph.D




Kohagura earned his Ph.D. in Asian Studies at the Graduate School of Global Studies in Doshisha University in 2018. Prior to his appointment with the Institute, Kohagura continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at Meiji Gakuin University. He specializes in postwar and contemporary Okinawa applying methodologies of Historical Sociology. His emphasis is on the “real” image of the Okinawan society before and after the “Island-wide Struggle (Shimagurumi-Toso)” in the mid-1950s. As a project member of the institute, he conducts research on the reorganization process of Okinawan local communities during the post-reversion period. Kohagura is fond of Netflix dramas and movies, and he moonlights as a youtuber, distributing research findings.

2020年度研究員 2020AY Project Postdoctoral Fellow

前田 勇樹 Yuki Maeda, Ph.D




Maeda earned his Ph.D. in History at the Graduate School of Humanities and Social Sciences in the University of the Ryukyus in 2018. Prior to his appointment with the Institute, Maeda had worked as an adjunct instructor at Meio University, Okinawa International University, and Okinawa Prefectural College of Nursing, as well as a part-time curator for the University of the Ryukyus Library. He specializes in the social and governmental history of Ryukyu-Okinawa during the Meiji period with a focus on the noble families such as Nabeshima Naoyoshi and Uesugi Mochinori who became the governors of Okinawa Prefecture. Currently, he conducts research on the ways in which epidemics constituted the social history of modern Okinawa. Maeda likes watching sports such as baseball and soccer, and recently he is into video editing and distribution.

2020年度研究員 2020AY Project Postdoctoral Fellow

森 啓輔 Keisuke Mori, Ph.D


一橋大学社会学研究科博士課程(社会学博士)。日本学術振興会特別研究員(国際基督教大学)および同海外特別研究員(Ruhr University Bochum)を経て、本研究所博士研究員になりました。専門は社会学です。社会問題と市民社会の研究を、社会学と隣接領域での知見をふまえながら、日本とドイツをフィールドに行ってきました。本研究所では、ドイツでの研究蓄積を基に、有機フッ素化合物(PFAS)汚染の政治行政過程の沖縄における展開について研究しています。趣味はギターとサイクリングです。


Having earned his Ph.D. in Sociology at Hitotsubashi University, Mori continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow of the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS) at the International Christian University in Japan, and Ruhr University Bochum in Germany. Drawing on theories of sociology and related disciplines, his research has focused on civil society’s response to social problems in Japan and Germany. Building on the research accumulated in Germany, Mori is currently investigating the processes of policy making and implementation at the administrative levels on the recentfluorocarbon compounds (PFAS) found in the pollution in Okinawa. Mori enjoys cycling and playing the guitar.