

【報告】2011年6月2日 国際ワークショップ『新・島嶼学の創造を目指して』



  • Gary Okihiro(アメリカ史・エスニックスタディーズ)
  • James Danoff-Burg(生物学・生物多様性)
  • Michael Gerrard(環境法・気候変動法)
  • Denyse Dookie(小島嶼開発途上国SDS・開発政策・観光)

豊見山 和行




この目的にそって開催されるのが、本日のワークショップである「新・島嶼学の創造を目指して」ということになります。ちなみに、この「新しい島嶼学の創造」プロジェクトは、今年から5年間にわたって取り組むもので、今回のコロンビア大学とのワークショップがその口火をきる初回のものとなります。「新しい島嶼学」のためのフレームワークの構築や今後の検討を深めるためにも、活発な討議を交わしていただき、有意義なワークショップとなることを期待して、挨拶にかえたいと思います。 ありがとうございました。

Opening Remarks from the Project Leader
Kazuyuki Tomiyama

Good morning, everyone. I would like to welcome you all, especially Prof. Gary Okihiro, Dr. James Danoff-Burg, Prof. Michael Gerrard, and Ms. Denyse Dookie, who came all the way from Columbia University for our workshop today.

Now, I would like to briefly introduce the purpose of this international workshop, “Toward New Island Studies,” and how it came about through the cooperation of Columbia University and the International Institute for Okinawan Studies at the University of the Ryukyus.

IIOS is a new research institute established in April 2009. By reorganizing and unifying four existed research centers, IIOS was established with the goal of providing a central base to promote interdisciplinary studies on Okinawa and areas related to it and to produce new knowledge about these areas.

While IIOS follows the existing research methodologies of the conventional disciplines of the humanities and social sciences on Okinawa and areas related to Okinawa, it also expanded from them as a new research institution by focusing on interdisciplinary research projects involving collaboration between researchers both within and beyond the country.

By doing so, we aim to develop new research fields that research in the traditional disciplines could not sufficiently reach. It is now our task to determine how we can implement interdisciplinary studies on Okinawa and areas related to it in concrete terms.

With such a sense of purpose, a new research project is now under way, titled “Toward New Island Studies: Okinawa as an Academic Node Connecting Japan, East Asia, and Oceania.”

This project aims to view islands comprehensively by delving into issues related to their culture, economy, history, and nature. By doing so, we should be able to grasp the current situations of islands in the Ryukyu arc.

Consequently, we can counter the conventional notion of islands as scanty and negative and reexamine various possibilities (and problems) that islands face. In this way, the goal of this project is to produce a new academic field that is different from the traditional ways in which islands are conceived of.

To further this goal, we have come to hold today’s workshop, “Toward New Island Studies.” We will work on this New Island Studies Project for five years starting from this year, and today’s workshop with Columbia University initiates it as the first step.

In order to build a framework for “New Island Studies,” and for our better understanding in the future, I would like to encourage you all to share your ideas and opinions. I sincerely hope that this workshop will be a fruitful one.

Thank you.
