【IJOS】FAQ よくあるご質問
Frequently Asked Questions
投稿者の所属について/Regarding the affiliation
I am an independent scholar with a graduate degree. Am I eligible for submitting an article to IJOS?
We welcome submission from anyone as long as the paper is academic and offers research findings on the topics that IJOS is seeking.
査読結果について/Regarding the peer-review
Q: 投稿したあと採否は何時頃分かるでしょうか。
When will I know the result of the peer review?
A: 投稿いただいてから、通常査読に1~2か月程とみていただいております。ただし査読者の都合によって伸びる場合もあります。
It usually takes about one to two months to complete the review process. However, it may take longer depending on availability of the reviewers and other conditions.
投稿期日について/Regarding the submission deadline
When is the due date for the recent issue?
A : IJOSは投稿を随時受け付けておりますが、慣例として各年度の6月末までに投稿いただいたものを目処に直近の号に掲載しております。ただし、投稿が多数の場合、6月までにご投稿いただいたとしても直近号への掲載は保証できない場合もございます。そのため論文が完成次第、6月の〆切を待たずになるべく早めにお送りいただくことをお勧めいたします。
We accept submission at any time of the year but by convention we generally publish the papers that have been submitted by the end of June in the issue of that fiscal year. The issue is scheduled for publication in December every year. However, even if your paper was submitted to IJOS in June, your paper might not be published in the next issue when committee has already received certain amount of paper. Therefore, we would recommend you to submit your paper when it is ready.