理念と目的 / Purpose and Philosophy

2018(平成30)年4月1日、「国際沖縄研究所」から「島嶼地域科学研究所(Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability: RIIS)」と改称した本研究所は、沖縄からさらに視点を拡げて、島嶼としての地域課題を共有する国内外の島々をも研究対象とした多分野融合型研究を推進しています。









As of April 1, 2018, we have changed our name from the International Institute of Okinawan Studies to the Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability (RIIS). We have widened our perspective from Okinawa to include the issues that both domestic and international island regions share, in order to promote multidisciplinary research on our subjects of study.


It can be said that in terms of tojisha or tojisha-sei, a Japanese concept describing those who are directly affected by issues or those who are in such a state, Okinawa, as an island, is well situated for the promotion of the regional science for small islands. This is because Okinawa, while known for its distinctive characteristics, is also the sole prefecture in Japan made up entirely of small islands, and it shares remarkable commonalities with other islands. This tojisha perspective does not originate in the viewpoint that defines islands as “peripheral” or “remote” but instead is an approach in which we consider the problems of islands subjectively and empirically from the position of islands themselves. That is to say, our positionality as a tojisha enables us to approach problems facing islands with empathy for other islands. We will utilize these ideas of tojisha-sei and empathy to expand our cooperation with researchers and research organizations in the field and to investigate various island issues with depth and breadth.


Moreover, Okinawa, made up of many small islands, is a treasury of the characteristics of islands, internationality, diversity, and individuality. Blessed with subjects for research and comparison and utilizing the superiority of the field of regional science for small islands, we will promote multidisciplinary research centering on the diversity of island cultures and communities, relationships with non-islands across the seas, and the social and economic systems relevant for islands.

In establishing regional science for small islands as an area of study, we will present the results of our research in a variety of methods, such as holding symposiums and publishing books. Additionally, while gaining the cooperation of islanders, we will actively work towards the resolution of island problems and the social implementation of research for these regions.

Finally, in order to contribute to the embodiment of self-determination and the sustainable development of islands, our goal is to establish and develop the field of regional science for small islands through theory, evidence, and implementation, with the further goal of becoming a research center that leads the world’s network of island researchers.