

Submission Guidelines | OJIS: Okinawan Journal of Island Studies

Okinawan Journal of Island Studies (OJIS)
Submission Guidelines

March 31, 2021

Okinawan Journal of Island Studies (OJIS) is a peer reviewed journal published by the Research Institute for Islands and Sustainability (RIIS) at the University of the Ryukyus. We seek papers written in English on issues and topics related to islands and islandness. The journal welcomes papers with topics that deal with interests or issues that are parallel to those faced in Okinawa through an interdisciplinary and/or comparative lens. The journal accepts submissions at any time of the year, but by convention, we consider papers that have been submitted by June 30th (Japan Standard Time) for publication for the next volume. OJIS is published both in print and open access annually in March. For the most updated submission guidelines, please visit our website. If you have any further questions regarding submission details or manuscript style, please contact the OJIS office at edit_office#ojis.skr.u-ryukyu.ac.jp (Replace “#” with “@”).


Manuscript Guidelines
1. The title of the paper, author’s or authors’ name(s), affiliation(s), and full postal and email addresses should be submitted on a separate page (the title page).
2. Contributors should submit by email an electronic copy of their manuscript as a docx file to the OJIS editorial assistant at edit_office#ojis.skr.u-ryukyu.ac.jp (Replace “#” with “@”)..
3. Copyrights of accepted manuscripts belong to RIIS.
4. Formatting of English manuscripts for OJIS should follow the most updated edition of the Chicago Manual of Style. If your manuscript follows a style other than Chicago, please so indicate on the title page for consideration.
5. Manuscripts should be written in excellent English. Regional varieties of English are acceptable as long as they are consistent throughout the paper.
6. Names used in the manuscript should be written in the order of given name followed by family name. If your manuscript uses a different name-ordering convention, please so indicate on the title page for consideration.
7. Manuscripts should use A4 or letter paper-size with the following format: (a) a margin of 2.5cm (1 inch) should be set for every edge; (b) double-spaced text; and (c) 12 point font in (d) Times New Roman.

8. JPEG or TIFF format is preferred for graphs and photographs. The minimum resolution must be 600dpi for black and white, and 300 dpi for color images. In most cases, visual images will be printed in black and white, but the journal will maintain the original colors in the open access version published online.
9. Manuscripts should be no longer than 9,000 words, including figures, footnotes/endnotes (if any), and a bibliography. Manuscripts should be accompanied by an abstract of about 300 words.
10. Please add a short biography of less than 200 words. Information should include institutional affiliation, publications, and current research projects or interests.

11. Please list up to five keywords for the manuscript.

12. The headings “Abstract,” “Notes,” and “Bibliography,” as well as section headings, should be 156 in boldface; subsection headings should be in boldface and italics. If endnotes are used, they should follow the body of the paper and be followed by the list of works cited.
13. All submissions must be formatted according to these guidelines in order to be considered for publication.

14. Any documents granting permission for use of third-party materials should be kept by the author, who will provide copies when submitting final materials for publication to the editorial assistant.


Book Review
1. Book reviews should be no longer than 3,500 words, including figures, footnotes/endnotes (if any), and a bibliography.
2. Please add a short biography of less than 200 words. Information should include institutional affiliation, publications, and current research projects or interests.

3. All submissions must be formatted according to these guidelines in order to be considered for publication.



1. Written works should not exceed 3,000 words and must be sent in docx format.
2. Follow guidelines #4, 5, 6, and 7 in the Manuscript Guidelines section above for formatting.
3. Visual art submissions must be in either jpg or gif format. In most cases, art pieces will be printed in black and white, but the journal will maintain the original colors in the open access version published online.
4. In principle, submissions must not have been previously published in print or online. Authors are responsible for determining whether fair use may be invoked for third-party materials (authors will still need to obtain permission for third-party works that are not utilized under fair use and to pay all reproduction fee.